World is trying its best for going green in every aspect of life to
reduce emission of green gas and carbon foot print. Using refurbished mobiles and tablets is one such organic way to adapt
green lifestyle to save our planet from the threat of global warming and
impending mega disaster. supports this “going green” resolution by selling
refurbished tablets and mobile
handsets at amazingly discounted price. While you will buy a quality used
tablet or a perfectly working second
hand mobile sets, you will be enjoying profit from three aspects.
Perfect quality of Refurbished
Be it is a tablet or a mobile
phone, Togofogo maintains its best quality while selling a refurbished product.
The products sold here are not always used products. Sometimes customers find
the products with minor manufacturing faults and they return it to the
retailers. Refurbished products sold by Togofogo are mostly these slightly defective
products returned by customers, thoroughly serviced by manufacturers and tested
and certified by Togofogo quality assurance team for resale on board. The
customers are looking for mobile and tablets at low cost will find these
products perfectly working as new products with impeccable service quality but
at lucrative discounted rate.
All products are
covered by manufacturer’s warranty
Like a new product purchased from
usual retail outlets, refurbished products purchased from are
covered with manufacturer’s warranty.
All refurbished tablets and
mobiles arestrictly tested again, taken best care to make them as good as new
by using authentic parts by the manufacturer as well as major cosmetic defects
are thoroughly rectified, if any, and the products get repacked properly. The refurbished mobiles and tablets are offered
to customers from inventory with due warranty and efficient
after-sales support like a new product purchased from online shopping portal
but at half price of the new product.
Why refurbished
products are better
All products are
anytime better than any common lot of second
hand mobiles or tablets although these are sold to customers at knock down
price. In addition to price advantage, these products offer some other buying
advantages like:
Now going green at most budget
price is really handy. Simply browse the website and enjoy the
privilege of purchase quality refurbished
mobiles and tablets at great discounted price with all other online
purchase benefits.
Not only you will save money, by supporting 3R (reduce,
recycle, and reuse) policy, you will take a firm step to save the planet…by Going Green.